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Who Am I As A Person?

Find out in great detail today.

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How Does Human Design Address My Question?

You'll Get A Custom roadmap designed Specifically to Answer: "Who Am I As A Person?"

Who Am I As A Person - Human Design - Alina Love

Human Design is a beautiful system which can successfully answer the question "Who Am I As A Person," and will bring you many moments of wow, and amazement you were hoping to receive. This system requires a certified specialist who has dedicated years to understanding this program in order to guide you through the details you must know.

It combines modern Biochemistry, Genetics, Neuropathic-Rewiring, and Environmental Awareness, along with ancient Kabbalah, I-Ching, Chakra systems and Astrology into one system.

Human design helps people learn how they're wired, how their personality responds to surrounding events, and what causes the emotions we feel. It shows us how to master our energy levels we were born with, and how to interact and succeed in a world of uncertainty.

Every human has a unique design, Human Design gets you the fastest answers to who you are, and that's why you came here today. It has no bias, no personal opinions or judgments. It's just the pure raw details of living and obtaining your life's desires.

It's not pseudoscience, fortunetelling, or a belief system, it's an experiment to see what works for you, and what doesn't.

Your design will tell you whether you’re easier to be influenced, scammed, prayed upon, falling victim to relationships, situations, or scenarios you can certainly avoid.

Knowing your unique genetic design will help you understand why you are the way you are, on both the conscious and unconscious levels.

A Moment Of Reflection...

How Many Check Do You Have Below..

  • Constantly asking who am I as a person?

  • Not sure how to make the important decisions in life?

  • Lack of energy and not sure how to manage your energy?

  • Meeting resistance with work, people, opportunities?

  • Realize you are far from your goals and possibly drifting in life?

  • Being in the wrong environment and not knowing why things are not happening for you?

  • Not clear on strengths and weaknesses?

  • Career, relationship, family issues, or just not on the same page with friends or loved ones and not understanding why?

  • Finding yourself in patterns of depression or anxiety?

Asking Who You Are May Be The Most Important Question You'll Ever Ask.

Get The Answers You Seek To Be The Person You’re Meant To Be And Live The Life You’re Destined To Live!

Who Am I As A Person Roadmap - Alina Love

So, what is your design? Are you a Generator dedicated to constant movement & your work, a Manifestor initiating and igniting the energy, a Projector here to guide the planet, or the rarest of all, a Reflector here to feel all humans and reflect back to the current state of humanity?

MindMap Image - Who Am I As A Person - Alina Love

Ever wonder what it'd be like to have a map of the mind to hack your way through life? How to not let things bother you, answer questions you're constantly wondering about, and how can you successfully navigate life, people, emotions, situations, failures, and successes in a world full of uncertainties? You accomplish this by living life within your design.

DNA Strand Image - Who Am I As A Person - Alina Love

Who am I as a person? That was coded in your DNA the moment you were born. Learning a new model may change the whole course of life as you know it. Epigenetics can play an important role. It's possible to fire off new neurons, create alternate pathways, heal life-long traumas, and find shortcuts to success. You do this by feeding your mind, body, and soul the information it requires for peak performance.

Meet Alina Love of Who Am I As A Person

6/2 Mental Projector

I am a Human Design Specialist, helping people find themselves, shine light on blind spots, identify their strengths, find where they get hijacked, and find their true authenticity to live their life to their fullest potential.

When I was introduced to Human Design, it changed everything for me. I was very lost and confused on what direction I wanted to go in my life and career. It was one of my biggest fears to end up doing something that just made me a cog in the system. I wanted to make an impact and I knew I had something in me that was meant to be seen, i just didn't know where to even begin.

I've dedicated over a decade to personal growth and learning more about myself. The more I knew about who I really was (not what I thought was me, but actually what was me), the less people were able to f#ck with me. I began seeing through the bullshit. I committed to learn more of my conscious and unconscious patterns and was able to make the right decisions in my life that ultimately led to happiness.

After going on my own journey with Human Design, I have dedicated years to be trained in a combination of ancient studies that made up a new system to help others who feel just as lost as I was in life or those who seek to grow and learn more. This is how you liberate yourself and follow your unique path to authenticity. This is when you finally learn to give yourself permission to be exactly who you are; to stand in your truth and in your power is a radical act.

Meet Alina Love Creator of Who Am I As  Person

Your Integrative Guide And 6/2 Mental Projector

I am a Human Design specialist (guide). I help people find themselves, shine light on blind spots, identify their strengths, find where people can get hijacked, and find their true authenticity to live their life to their fullest potential. I want to serve those that ask themselves "who am I as a person" on a regular basis, but haven't found the answers.

When I was introduced to Human Design, it changed everything for me. I was very lost and confused on what direction I wanted to go in my life and career. It was one of my biggest fears to end up doing something that just made me a cog in the system. I wanted to make an impact and I knew I had something in me that was meant to be seen, i just didnt know where to even begin.

I was dedicated to personal growth and learning more about myself. The more I knew about who I really was (not what I thought was me, but actually what was me), the less people were able to f#ck with me. I began seeing through the bullshit. I committed to learn more of my conscious and unconcious patterns and was able to make the right decisions in my life that ultimately led to happiness.

After going on my own journey with Human Design, I have dedicated years to be trained in the ancient system to help others who feel just as lost as I was in life or those who seek to grow and learn more. This is how you liberate yourself and follow your unique path to authenticity. This is when you finally learn to give yourself permission to be exactly who you are and have radical acceptance of just that.

Do You Want To Live Your Fullest Life, Get Unstuck & Gain More Freedom?

Human Design Mandala Design by Alina Love

Here's What Alina Can Help You Figure Out:

  • Learning what design you are and how much energy reserves you have to be able to give to others daily.

  • Identifying what exactly is making you feel lost and learning more about yourself that rings true in the depths of your being.

  • Learning how you operate as a person and make strategic moves in order to make the right decisions in life.

  • Finding out that you are meeting resistance in life because you may be in the wrong environment which leads to meeting the wrong people and getting the wrong opportunities that don’t fulfill you in life.

  • Identifying strengths in a whole new way that no other system or personality test has ever brought to light.

  • Shining light on your blind spots, where one does not show up in authenticity which also creates resistance in life.

  • Finding out friends, family, business partners quirks and learning that many of the things they do may not be personal and most likely is unconscious.

  • Learning your designs unconscious and conscious patterns and being aware of how you show up in life through experimentation.

  • Feeling the freedom of finally being exactly who you are and not having to pretend to be someone you are not.

  • Getting unstuck by identifying what is making you feel stuck so the client can propel themselves forward in business and life.

Who Am I As A Person Logo - Alina Love

“Once you know, there is no going back. It's what you do after you know that matters most. Stay in the same game with the same devils, or live a new way, playing at different levels! ”

Who Am I As A Person Logo - Alina Love

“Once you know, there is no going back. It's what you do after you know that matters most. Stay in the same game with the same devils, or live a new way, playing at different levels! ”

Alina Love Signature Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I learn who I am as a person?

You actually started the moment you started asking this question!

And you got miles ahead of others asking this very question the moment you clicked onto my page!

Everyone, and literally everyone around the world will ask this question at one time or another, most will never explore past the momentary thoughts, but those with a true desire to know, will keep searching.

They search until they find something that resonates to their core, and the information I have to share with you is just that information.

Social media quizzes are fun, personality tests are in part based on research and scientific study, but the lessons found in human design may actually provide the answers.

This is more like an experiment to test out what feels right for you, so you can get to the person you ‘re meant to be faster then any other tool out there.

You learn who you are by making a decision to step out of your comfort zone and have an open mind.

Being able to reflect and take a good look at oneself is essential in personal growth and development. 

When you finally learn the true self of who you are, you won’t let people tell you what to do, nor will you fall victim to manipulation, or the persuasion of others. 

Because you’ll begin listen to your intuition and the specifics of your own design to make decisions that are right for you. 

Your success, your health, your growth, where you live, the choices you make, virtually all areas of life are covered and ready to be explored within your design. 

You learn about yourself by gaining the courage to look at where you meet resistance in life and take radical responsibility for your actions. 

We live 95% of our life in the unconscious. When you decide you are ready to wake up from your conditioning (the outside influence that impacts your programming) and step into a life of intention, that is when you will start to reveal who you really are. 

You also learn by recognizing if you’re currently living a life that is painful to you, out of balance/wack, or you’re just wondering how to get out of a funk and manifest the visions you wish to come true.

We all hold the potential to be a better version of ourselves, the ability to improve, the ability to achieve a true life of greatness, we just have to want it bad enough and invest in ourselves a little time to test out the experiment.

How do I do that?

You learn who you are by going on a journey of self exploration with me as your guide by using a powerful tool called the Human Design System. I’ve spent years asking myself these very questions you have, and once I started living my own experiment, I started creating a true life I would have never imagined just a few short years ago.

It all came down to be willing to learn something new, and being okay facing some of the shadows that we all have. 

By shedding light on these areas in the comfort of your own home, and through conversation, and sharing your design, you will be delivered with plenty of Aha’s, Holy S#!T’s, and “yup that sounds right” moments to know if what we are speaking about is right for you, or completely way off base.

And by the way, I’ve yet to experience a client who believed this was off base for them.

This was one of the best investments I ever made in my life, it’s like hacking your way to your own personal success of you. 

You’ll find out what makes you unique, find out what pushes your button and causes you to act in a wrong way, so that you can instantly recognize the best response for your design, and get the answers to the owning and living the ultimate life you want to live.

2. Does Human Design work?

Short answer: Yes, Human Design works.

This isn’t a personality test, a religion, its not fortune telling and doesn’t require you to believe in anything. It’s about taking this information and applying it to your life and using it as a tool to align you to your path of truth and authenticity.

The best way to answer the question if Human Design works, is to try it yourself and start shining light on who you are. This is how you gain a new revolutionary perspective.

When you learn to be open, trust, and experiment your life will start changing right before your eyes. 

This is the inner journey. This is a way to find out who you really are. 

Let’s work together.

3. What is Human Design?

Human Design gives a comprehensive insight into who we are.

Human Design is a complex system of ancient studies integrated into a map. It combines I’Ching, ancient Kabbalah, Astrology, and Chakra systems from the oldest texts in the Vedas, along with modern Biochemistry, Genetics, Neuropathic-Rewiring, and Environmental Awareness, into one system. It is a multidimensional tool to help you find your path of least resistance and tap into the flow of who you were always meant to be.

It’s not new knowledge, it’s a new perspective, with many deep layers. You will require a guide to decipher the language needed to start living your "True Self."

Human design helps people learn how they're wired, how their personality responds to surrounding events, and what causes the emotions we feel. It shows us how to master the energy levels we were born with, to interact and succeed in a world of uncertainty.

I provide a deep insight that can immediately impact how you work, live, operate, and see the world. Causing you to take action where other systems or experts have failed you.

Human Design will leave a lasting and profound mark upon your life and a warm, radical acceptance of self.

You'll never forget the day you learned your design. What you do with this information is up to you.

Is today going to be the day you find out who you are?

4. Why Human Design?

There Is A Roadmap To Your Life, And It Was Written The Day You Were Born!

Simply put, Human Design gets you the fastest answers to who you are, and that's why you came here today. It has no bias, no personal opinions or judgments. It's just the pure raw details of living and obtaining your life's desires and finding out who you are.

The Human Design chart (more like a blueprint) is called a "body graph," which illustrates the energetic flow within someone's design.

It's a roadmap to guide us in our most authentic direction, showing us how to make the correct decisions and empowering us to eliminate resistance by tapping into the flow of life.

Knowing your unique genetic design will help you understand why you are the way you are, on both the conscious and unconscious levels.

5. Where do I start? Which Human Design type am I?

If you are someone who is new to Human Design, my best advice is to first start with the basics:

A) Type

B) Strategy

C) Authority

D) Profile

There are millions of different variations of designs but there is only 4 human types. Your type doesn’t change throughout your life and it is a reflection of how you best operate.

4 Human Design Types & 1 Hybrid:

1) Generators

2) Manifesting

3) Generators

4) Manifestors

5) Projectors Reflectors

These different types operate differently depending on their energy centers and how their aura mechanics is designed. This is super important because maybe you’re a triangle who is trying to fit into a square world. You always knew you were different. It’s time to accept that and see where your gift are.

No matter what shape, or in this case, type, you were always meant to shine. We are not made in a cookie cutter type of way and we all have very unique individual differences and its time to embrace that. What works for one type, may not work for another.  When you know your type, it gives you an idea of how your energy works and help you identify how to use your energy wisely in your everyday life with work, family, relationships and business. 

When you find out what type you are there is an important protocol for each type to live by

Strategy & Authority

Strategy is given based on what energy type of a human you are. Your strategy will help guide you on a path of least resistance avoiding the painful life experiences such as bitterness, frustration, anger and disappointment. Your strategy will help you overcome your fears and provide a path that connects you to your personal authority. 

Authority in human design is how you best make decisions in life. Making the right decisions can radically change the course of your existence. Making the wrong decision, may cost someone years of their life. If you learn how to make decisions correctly for you, you will notice life guiding you and aligning you to your life’s purpose.

Your type, strategy and authority are part of your body’s intelligence and these are there to help navigate you through your life’s journey.


Line profile gives the Human Design Type a sort of an archetype that gives people their own specific flavor within their design.

This information is a fractal within a fractal. 

You find our your line profile by viewing your human design chart. Everyone’s design is like a finger print. So specific to who you are. You can learn all the details when we dive in together. 

6. How to get my free Human Design chart?

What your chart will show you:

It’s shows your unique specific design showing you who you are, how to be yourself unapologetically, and how to navigate this complex ever changing world.

This is a tool for you to use and walk a path of being a fully awake and aware individual.

To get your free human design chart, you will need the following information:

*Your name

*Date of Birth

*Accurate time of birth

*Birthplace Location

You can get your free human design chart by completing my form above and this will be shared with you.

7. How to read my Human Design chart?

“Woah! What is THAT!?”

That is most peoples reactions when seeing their chart for the first time.

You got your chart, but how do you understand and read the language?

Reading a human design chart or what we call a “bodygraph” takes some skill and many years to master. You learn it by living it, not reading it out of a book.  

It may look overwhelming and confusing at first, but when you begin using it, the more you will begin to understand how to experiment with it in your daily life. 

The best thing to do is to hire (me) a Human Design guide to take you on a journey through your own unique design and show you the ropes. 

Accept guidance to help you navigate through the threshold of entering your human design.

Some things are not meant to be done alone.

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* Provides Educational & Integrative Consulting.

We Do Not Provide Medical Advice Of Any Kind.*